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Always Stand in the First Place

In order to ensure stable profitability for the long-term business, FTN utilizes its resources to the fullest in providing its customers with the best products and services and with that foundation, invests largely in new product development and design

Business Analysis

We are committed to providing the best products and services

Business Solution

R&D and management and operations continue to produce high quality

Sales Volume

We are growing as a stable manufacture company rapidly

Major Customer

FTN has partnership with world's most famous fashion brands

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Business History

In 1974, FTN started its business as specialty Garment Manufacturer in LG Group. To maximize the efficiency and profitability, in 2002 FTN separated from LG Group. Eventually, FTN has been growing as a stable manufacture company rapidly with about 5,000 employees in Korea and other countries, and the annual sales of 150 million dollars.


Global Employer


Annual Sales

Know About We Provide

We are building bridges in Fashion Business in order to connect the client’s goal to reality

For The New

Production Structure

In March 2003, starting with establishing production facilities in China and Vietnam, Indonesia FTN Garment Corp immediately gained a connection to overseas markets. Continuous production development shortened the production lead time through the establishment of a production system in Korea to meet the demands of the fluctuant consumption trends of the market.

FTN CO.,LTD - South Korea
FTN GARMENT CORP - Philippines
PT.Fajar Tunggal Nasional - Indonesia
FTN Shanghai CO.,LTD - China
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Major Clients

The partnership between global fashion brands will truly represent us as global company in Korea


Brand Story

Newly added ‘FTN Identity System’ is based on the keywords of form which are SYSTEM + FLOW + STANDARD + TRANSITION + LINK.

FTN has created its own image as a company that makes market trends and changes by connecting business and consumers through fashion business.

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